Star Defender an arcarde game like Defender and Stargate. It offers a large number of moving shapes, fast accellerated scrolling and digi sounds. The object of the game is to protect humanoids on various number of moons from alien attack waves.

* The Defender: Your ship! Equiped with the latest engines, offensive weapons and defense systems. The engines enable your ship to fast accelaration and auto reverse. The quickfire laser, which is the main offensive weapon, has great power and is capable of fast recharging. Additionally, your ship can fire smartbombs (2nd button on your joystick or space bar), which will destroy all enemies on the screen. Smartbombs are limited, so use them with care!

* The Scanner: Finally you can use the scanner, which shows all enemies on the moon.

The attack waves: The enemies are attacking in waves, which are limited to each moon. If you succeed in defending the humanoids from all attack waves, you will be send to the next moon, otherwise the moon detonates and you have to reject the remaining attack waves.

* Humanoids: Your mission is to protect humanoids! They can be hit by your laser beam, they can be killed if captured by Landers, and they can be killed if a Lander drops them too far from the ground.

* Landers: These enemies are slow and do not fire much. But they can capture one of your Humanoids and beam it to the top. At this point the Lander will transform the Humanoid into a Mutant.

* Mutants: Fast and deadly killers that try to eliminate you!

* Bombers: There are four different types of bombers, especially on later attack waves. Miners are dropping a mine from time to time, elsewere they're mostly harmless, Beamers are fireing a dangerous wide range laser device, Twisters are equiped with a fast recharger that enable them making turn & fire manouvers and finally there are Pluggers which are equipped with plasma lasers and one detachable Swarmer.

* Pods: These enemy ships are coordinating the attack waves. They are slowly drifting around and mainly harmless. But if they are hit, they divide into four deadly Swarmers!

* Swarmers: Not as dangerous as mutants, but smaller.

* Baiters: Appear only in the later part of an attack wave. They're hunting you and are shooting at your ship. Because of they are very small and fast, it is difficult to destroy them, so be carefull!

* Carriers: These transporters carry usefull equipment: An extra smartbomb (grey), more energy for the laser (red), extra shield power (green), or a satellite (blue). Destroy the carrier and capture the equipment.

* Stargates: Activating a stargate will teleport you to another location on the moon.


  • Supports two button joysticks!
  • Supports mouse control!
  • Saves highscores to disk!
  • Doesn't stop multitasking!
  • Can be promoted to any OCS/AGA screenmode!
    Star Defender is available for:
    1. Amiga (68020 or better): stardefender10.lha (aminet, USA) , stardefender10.lha (aminet, Germany)

    If you have any questions, send me a mail: /

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